IAM Insights Reporting Dashboard - IAM Metrics

Total Number of Users


Managed Applications


Organization Unit


Active/Inactive Users

Roles and Permissions

What are Permission, IT Role, and Business Role?

  • 5000 permissions, are the smallest permission units in any application.
  • 1100 IT roles are collections of permissions created for a specific application.
  • 350 business roles are collections of IT roles and permissions.

Employee Onboarding and Offboarding

  • This chart compares the number of employees onboarded and offboarded in the year 2024.
  • From an Identity and Access Management (IAM) perspective, these data help us assess how IAM handles the automatic processes of employees joining and leaving the company.

Chart of accounts created and deactivated automatically by IAM

  • This chart shows a comparison of the number of accounts automatically created and deactivated by Identity and Access Management (IAM) systems during a specific period.
  • These data help us assess how well identity management processes reduce costs and improve account security.

Total Account

Active Directory Distribution/Security

Number of Entitlements(Roles,Permissions) automatically assigned and revoked

  • This chart displays the comparison of entitlements automatically assigned and revoked in the year 2024.
  • These data enable us to assess the effectiveness of permission management processes and their potential to enhance system security.

Records auto-resolved by Self Service and man-hours saved

  • This chart illustrates records automatically resolved by IAM/IDM systems and the resulting man-hours saved.
  • These data allow us to assess the potential of identity and access management processes to enhance efficiency and reduce operational costs.
  • It is assumed that each record takes 30 minutes when done manually.